The Black Empowerment Movement is an amassing of determined black people who are unified in thought, word and deed; for the purpose of strengthening the Black community through Self Determination, Economic Development and Political Influence.

The time has come for Black People to recognize our interdependence and commit to using our minds, strengths, talents and gifts for the purpose of continuing to build upon our incredible legacy; a legacy that extends back to a time when civilizations were built according to our own principles, thoughts and values.  Our Black Agenda is a list of priorities that can help facilitate the rebuilding of our community/civilization, and at the same time meet people where they are in their building capabilities.  We are a diverse people that find ourselves at various levels of Black consciousness. Some were born into an environment of high consciousness and are fully aware of their value to the community, while others are just awakening to the gift of their blackness.  Our Black Agenda is designed to create a bond with each other, regardless of where you may find yourself on the spectrum of Black consciousness, and to focus our efforts toward rebuilding a civilization our ancestors would be pleased with.

Since the Civil Rights Movement of the 50’s and 60’s and the Black Power Movement of the 60’s and 70’s, the Black Community has not produced a continuous, nationwide movement with the primary intention of empowering black people.  The Black Community is more than forty years overdue for an impactful mass movement that defines, articulates and executes in the specific interests of Black people in the United States. The Black Empowerment Movement can be the means by which Black people galvanize, organize, strategize and mobilize in order to bring forth a destiny of our intentional design.

Ultimately, the impact the Black Empowerment Movement will have on the lives of Black people is directly tied to the number of Black people that see the many challenges facing our communities and choose to participate in building a better existence for ourselves and our families, instead of waiting in vain for someone else to do it.  One obstacle that seems to hinder so many of us, who want to be a part of bettering our communities, is the challenge of answering the following questions: What can I do to make a difference and how do I get started? There is a simple answer; follow Our Black Agenda.

Our Black Agenda offers a list of specific actions that can be executed by Black people for the purpose of empowering the Black families needed to build great Black communities.  The empowering activities listed in the agenda range from those an individual can immediately begin implementing in his or her daily life, to those activities that will require a community wide effort and a greater time horizon to execute.  The beauty of the agenda is it clears a path for anyone who would like to begin participating in the Black Empowerment Movement, by answering the questions: What can I do and where do I start?

Black people across the country have been calling for an agenda that speaks directly to our interests and concerns, an agenda that will galvanize our communities and focus our actions in order to bring forth tangible benefits of substance.  Our Black Agenda serves as a resource offering concise and relevant actions that encourage individuals to take on a leadership role within their home; resulting in a significant increase in the number of leaders in the Black community and removing the need to rely solely on the efforts of the same select few labeled as Black leaders.

At this very moment, we are facing a pivotal time in world history, and as a result a unique opportunity has been presented to Black People.  In order to grow our communities into thriving Black ecosystems, it would be wise to set some priorities for ourselves and execute them.  The world we were accustomed to has changed, and everyone has been told to expect a “new normal”.  Black People, we have an unprecedented opportunity to build “our” new normal.  We offer this platform as a resource for you to begin participating in the building.