Ma’at – Kemetic Goddess of Truth, Justice, Harmony and Balance

Assemble A Legal Task Force comprised of judges, lawyers, legislators, law enforcement and scholars for the purpose of sharing with the Black Community, the best ways to hold law enforcement accountable for their policing methods, in addition to, protecting Black people from unjust and unfair judicial practices:

-Enforce the current policies in place to serve and protect Black citizens

-Draft and Enact the additional legislation needed to better protect the  rights, life and limbs of Black citizens

-Assist the Black community in acquiring an understanding of the laws and our rights as tax paying citizens

-Share best practices when interacting with law enforcement

-Commit to seeing justice is served when Black people’s rights are  violated

-Lead the implementation of Criminal Justice Reform

-See: Hon. Joe Brown / Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff / Judge Olu Stevens / Dr.  Megan Ming Francis